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* the prediction is valid for 2017 (year of the rooster) starting from january 28, 2017 and lasting to february 15, 2018. overall rating: since tiger and monkey are incompatible with each other in chinese zodiac, you tigers have had a bad luck in 2016 which is the year of monkey. songs chinese new year chinese new year animals horoscope chinese alphabet decorations chinese calendar quotes with these cards &
The 2017 chinese horoscope for sheep zodiac sign shows that you will enjoy some success, however, if you focus your energy on the areas of banking, investments, coin collecting, metal work, tool and die manufacturing, hardware sales, jewelry manufacturing and sales, railroad services, auto services, shipping, and trucking. 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029. 2020 chinese horoscope 2020 vedic horoscope 2020 numerology forecast birth horoscope + natal chart career report child report.

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